Sitting Volleyball Workshop a success
Posted by Nobody on 30 October 2013
On Saturday 26thOctober – I delivered a Sitting Volleyball Awareness Workshop pilot for VolleySLIDE which was endorsed by Active Devon and supported by Volleyball England’s Go Spike Programme.
The aim of the course was to create Sitting Volleyball advocates in the SW region in order to help raise the profile of the sport and its accessibility to disabled participants.
The workshop was a resounding success and there is now an extended network of SV Enthusiasts in the Plymouth area (with other notable attendees from the Combined Forces National Rehab Unit (based in Surrey) and the originator of the Sitting Volleyball programme for the Guernsey Volleyball).
I am confident that we are close to having regular and sustainable specific sitting volleyball sessions in the Plymouth area soon. If anyone is interested in this variation of the sport and are maybe interested in playing regularly, please contact me on email popotter40@hotmail.comor phone 07971 498404.
Keep Sliding!
Po Potter