Go Spike Summer Pairs Competition - Results

Posted by Nobody on 1 May 2015

Go SPike Summer Pairs CompetitionWhat an amazing end to the indoor season and the Go spike sessions at Ivybridge Community College. The Tigers certainly know how to have fun AND play volleyball too!

Good little comp despite my panics with my poorly boy at home and a few logistical mix-ups but all 9 teams played each other and the final standing were:
9th - Nickeltime - Gina, Sophie & Dil
8th - Kayaking Piranhas - Jen and Samantha...
7th - KJ - Karey & Jeanette
6th - Agadoo - Molly, Jess & Ella(Immy)
4th= Watermelons - Bryony, Tom & Lillie
4th= Strawberry Giraffes - Anya & Emily
3rd - Spongers - Nick & Jake
2nd - Palm Trees - Chloe & Rosy
1st - Sasqueens - Victoria, Chelsea- & Kyle

Best dressed award was won by Agadoo - sterling effort yet again girls! And the Summer Spirit award was won the youngest team there - Nickeltime. Smiling from ear to ear throughout (until I asked to take a photo ar the end!). Well done Sasqueens for taking the top prize!

For those going to Uni in the summer, we will miss you so don't be a stranger when you come back and I hope you take up volleyball wherever you go. For those that are staying, I cant wait until September and we start a new year with new challenges and hopefully with some more new faces. Its been a privilege to coach you all.

Hope to see you on the grass or the beach over the summer months and maybe partake in the odd competition or two!

Go Tigers! Go Spike! Go PMVC!Go Spike Summer Comp Winners - SasqueensGo Spike Best Dressed Winners - AgadooGo Spike - Summer Spirit Winners Nickeltime

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