End of Season Awards 2014/15 season

Posted by Nobody on 13 May 2015

End of Season Awards Trophies

On Saturday 8th May, our Head Coach held an end of Season Awards Garden Party and BBQ to celbrate the individual successes of our members both on and off the court for the 2014/15 season. It was a great evening that refused to be dampened by the weather. Despite being upstaged by my 3 year old son at the presentation of the awards, the winners were all humble and gracious in reciept of their trophies and much deserved praise.

The winners were as follows:

Outstanding Achievement

Victoria Wilkins

Victoria Wilkins EoSA

Players Player

Kyle White


Outstanding contribution

Tracy Wilkins


Club Spirit

Steve Allen


SW Mens players of the year

Nick Boorman

Nick Boorman - EoSA

SW Womens Player of the year

Kat Kozuleva

Kat Kozuleva - EoSA

EDVA League player of the year

Pirates – Nick Boorman

Drakes – Victoria Wilkins


Junior boy player of the year

William Lightfoot & Jack Perkins

Jack Perkins & William Lightfoot - EoSA

Junior girl player of the year

Victoria Wilkins


Most improved female

Meg Leeds

Meg Leeds EoSA

Most Improved male player

Luke Allen-Gdanitz

Luke Allen Gdanitz EoSA

Most improved junior

Rosy Stanesby


Outstanding Debut

Lara Sowden

Lara Sowden - EoSA

Commitment to Training Award


Chloe Burns

Chloe Burns - EoSA

Community Champion Award

Dil Teli

Dil Teli - EoSA

Club Inspiration

Chelsea Mitchell


Joke Awards

Most Travelled

Victoria Wilkins


Team Driver

Dave Cranch


The First Aid Award

Lara Sowden


Comeback Queen

Lucy Lapthorne


Highest Debt

Kyle White


Couple of the Year

Victoria Wilkins and Kyle White





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